I received this link from Project Honduras. It is a World Bank production on YouTube.com. Granted, I am not a great fan of the World Bank but the video was interesting. The apparent goal of the video, is to describe a simple way to measure the nutritional health of children. World wide, a child should be about 80 cm tall by the time they are two years old. This number is independent of where in the world the child lives Less than that is an indicator of poor nutrition. It is a simple way for the parents and health care providers to know the progress of their growing children. The video is in both Spanish and English, and is directly directed at a Honduran audience.
My thoughts were to put this video on a CD and run it in the waiting area for your next clinic in Honduras. Most teams bring a laptop with us. What better way to fill the waiting time to see the doctor than to teach.
Watch the video. If you know how to download and capture a YouTube, video than do so and bring it with you on your next mission. If you can't do this, email me telling me the video format you need and I will mail you a copy on a CD or DVD.
Links In English and Spanish :