Saturday, February 5, 2011

Delmer Montoya; from home in El Progresso

This is Delmer's first email concerning his experiences in Belaire with the AHMEN. 

From El Progresso, Honduras 2/5/11


Im at home now, today i wake up very early thinking that i was at Belaire. 

Let me tell you that it was a great experience for me, talking with each one of 
the group i had learned a lot. Working with the nurses i had learned some new techniques
to do some procedures more easy. All of them has a lot o knowledge accumulated over
time have acquired. It was amazing because every day i learned new interesting things.

Furthermore i was immerse in an environment where people only speaks english, and even at
the beginning was very hard to try to understand, with the days it was more easy. I practiced
the language a lot and that's something that you cannot to do in Honduras commonly, because even 
some people can to speak English, nobody likes to do it.

A few days was enough to create a friendship, i hope to be in touch by email with them.

The worst situation in Belaire its showed at Berlin´s zone, there is a lot of children with Malnutrition
and their complications. Was so sad to see children with 6 years old who looks like they has 3. Evelyn relief a lot of people over the zone with health care and another things, but i think that the ignorance the biggest problem. 

For example you can give them medicine against parasites and you can tell them that they have to
drink boiled  or chlorinated water, but if they dont do it, all the effort will no have any effect. And as you know thats a cycle.

Thats why i think that there should to be an agreement and to tell them, if you wanna have some support you should to maintain clean your children and your environment and to boil the water too.  We will come here eventually to take some sample of your water and to see the children to check if you are doing your part.  If you fulfill your commitment then you will maintain your benefits.. 

Definitely  FUNGUS is the most common disease in all the population, it could be because the humidity in the enviroment
its always high. Even the mission and Evelyn has medication against fungus it wasn't  enough.
Another common disease was anxiety disorder and we didn't have nothing against it. 

Another common disease was anxiety disorder and we didn't have nothing against it.  

I agree that postings data and emails from the brigades, it can show the work that AHMEN its doing.
Perhaps the new AHMENS group can send more emails to you too.

Actually i have a lot of things in mind, and im not sure what will i be doing during the next months,
Im thinking about getting in English school, to take a certified about scientific investigation at the university 
during 4 months, and i want to take a course about neonatal first aid.
I have some job proposal, but i need some requirements first( to have my diploma in my hands,
approve the  tittle, ceremony for registration in the Medical College of Honduras). So while it happen i don't want to be losing my time.

I can to say that i enjoyed so much the mission, and if I'm not busy, of course i would like to go with
AHMEN groups again.  I have some friends that could be interested in to be a volunteer too, but some of them things that the duration of the missions is too long.

Its a page designed by Evelyn Castellar, there are some interesting pictures.

Have a nice day


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